Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) technology by application of the planar construction process obtains a catchy means for integrating planar and nonplanar circuits. Further, it is hard to realize the negative coupling needed to create a compact quasi-elliptic bandpass filter based on a single-layered SIW structure. The presented work proposes a specific planar and negative coupling configuration that provides two transmission zeroes at 5.03 GHz and 6.26 GHz. This article presents a fourth-order quasi-elliptic filter. The proposed filter is also wide-band. This structure is implemented in SIW knowledge. The SIW filter has a central frequency of 5.5 GHz. The perfect bandwidth is 0.7 GHz. It is realized on a single-layer substrate from Rogers Ro4003. The Thickness of the substrate is considered as 0.508 mm. The measured outcomes of this filter, which show an excellent selectivity, and a low insertion loss of about 1.9 dB, agree suitably with simulation results. The designed filter's innovation provides these features: compact, low cost, wide-band, good selectivity, low insertion loss, and agreement between simulation and fabrication.
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kiani, N. , Afsahi, M. , Tavakkol Hamedani, F. and Rezaei, P. (2022). Implementation of a Fourth-Order Compact Quasi-Elliptic Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter in C-Band. Modeling and Simulation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2(2), 23-27. doi: 10.22075/mseee.2022.26905.1099
kiani, N. , , Afsahi, M. , , Tavakkol Hamedani, F. , and Rezaei, P. . "Implementation of a Fourth-Order Compact Quasi-Elliptic Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter in C-Band", Modeling and Simulation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2, 2, 2022, 23-27. doi: 10.22075/mseee.2022.26905.1099
kiani, N., Afsahi, M., Tavakkol Hamedani, F., Rezaei, P. (2022). 'Implementation of a Fourth-Order Compact Quasi-Elliptic Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter in C-Band', Modeling and Simulation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2(2), pp. 23-27. doi: 10.22075/mseee.2022.26905.1099
N. kiani , M. Afsahi , F. Tavakkol Hamedani and P. Rezaei, "Implementation of a Fourth-Order Compact Quasi-Elliptic Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter in C-Band," Modeling and Simulation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2 2 (2022): 23-27, doi: 10.22075/mseee.2022.26905.1099
kiani, N., Afsahi, M., Tavakkol Hamedani, F., Rezaei, P. Implementation of a Fourth-Order Compact Quasi-Elliptic Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter in C-Band. Modeling and Simulation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2022; 2(2): 23-27. doi: 10.22075/mseee.2022.26905.1099