Coordinated Management of EVs Charging Station with a Wide Presence of Renewable Energy Sources

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran Province DISCO, Tehran, Iran

2 CRM/BOS Engineer, Behpardaz Hamrah Samaneh Aval (BEHSA), Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


Renewable energy generations depend on environmental conditions, and often don't coincide with energy consumptions. In addition, uncontrolled charging of electric vehicles (EVs) leads to technical problems in the grid and economic inefficiency for EVs owners. In this paper, a bi-level energy management algorithm is presented for a distribution network consisting of EVs and renewable energy generations at high penetration level. Energy management at the distribution network level is done centrally by distribution system operator (DSO). In the second level, the parking operator is responsible for providing EVs energy. The parking operator uses the difference in energy prices between the time steps to determine the level of power exchange between EVs and the distribution network in order to reduce the cost of providing energy for EVs in the parking lot. The proposed algorithm coordinates the charging and discharging of EVs with the network conditions and the output of renewable generations while provides financial benefits for vehicle owners. The results indicate the proposed bi-level energy management has been able to use the freedom of the EVs to balance the power of the network and support renewable generations as well as increase the financial benefits of EVs owners.


Main Subjects

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