Scientometric Analysis of Green Vehicular Communications: A Comparative Study Based on Scopus and Web of Science

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Satellite Communication Group, Faculty of Communications Technology, ICT Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.

2 Science and Technology Observation Inc, Tehran, Iran.

3 Faculty of Communications Technology, ICT Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.


In this article, the status of published scientific literature in the field of "trends in green vehicular communications" is investigated using scientometric analysis. For this purpose, two reliable scientific citation databases, Scopus and Web of Science, were used for analysis, comparison, and evaluation from 2007 to 2023. The results indicate that there are a total of 3,150 published research works, with 2414 and 736 documents belonging to the Scopus and Web of Science databases, respectively. Tools such as Bibexcel and VOSviewer are employed for scientific evaluation and analysis. According to the statistical results obtained from the Scopus and WoS databases, China, the United States and India are the most active countries in this field of study. Additionally, topics such as vehicular communications, energy efficiency, energy utilization, VANETs, and connected cars are among the most commonly researched subjects. The Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Chongqing University are recognized as leading institutions in this field with the highest number of publications. An exponential increase in scientific output in the Scopus database has been observed since 2014, whereas an upward trend began in the WoS in 2007. In both the Scopus and Web of Science databases, the field of engineering plays a major role in this research area, accounting for 33% and 30% of scientific production, respectively. IEEE Access and IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems are the leading journals with the highest number of related publications. SUMO and NS-2 are the most commonly used simulators in this field.


Main Subjects

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