In this digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies play a significant role in English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching and learning. One area that has received increasing attention is AI-powered writing assistants, in which AI-based tools are developed to assist EFL learners in improving their English writing output. This paper provides an overview of the advantages, and limitations of AI technologies applied to some popular writing assistants for English writing purposes. The overview indicates that there is still a critical gap between what AI educational technologies could do and how they are implemented in the EFL context. Therefore, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborative research is essential to overcome the limitations of current AI-powered writing assistants. This overview would serve as a good reference for guiding technology experts to develop more sophisticated intelligent writing assistants that adapt to EFL learners’ diverse needs and preferences. The paper also provides rich discussions on future research directions from multiple perspectives.
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Rezaee, M. , and Allahyari, A. . "The Advantages and Limitations of AI-Powered Writing Assistants in the EFL Classroom: Recent Insights and Future Directions", Modeling and Simulation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 3, 3, 2023, 61-68. doi: 10.22075/mseee.2025.32194.1131
Rezaee, M., Allahyari, A. (2023). 'The Advantages and Limitations of AI-Powered Writing Assistants in the EFL Classroom: Recent Insights and Future Directions', Modeling and Simulation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 3(3), pp. 61-68. doi: 10.22075/mseee.2025.32194.1131
M. Rezaee and A. Allahyari, "The Advantages and Limitations of AI-Powered Writing Assistants in the EFL Classroom: Recent Insights and Future Directions," Modeling and Simulation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 3 3 (2023): 61-68, doi: 10.22075/mseee.2025.32194.1131
Rezaee, M., Allahyari, A. The Advantages and Limitations of AI-Powered Writing Assistants in the EFL Classroom: Recent Insights and Future Directions. Modeling and Simulation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2023; 3(3): 61-68. doi: 10.22075/mseee.2025.32194.1131