Wide Band THz Transmitarray Antenna Based on Graphene Slotted Lattice

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.


A novel terahertz (THz) Transmitarray antenna using an identically shaped slotted graphene lattice with wide bandwidth, is presented in this paper. The transmissive surface consists of graphene frequency selective surfaces (FSSs), using at THz frequencies. The graphene FSS consists of a double layer 11×11 unit cells array on two dielectric layers. The total thickness of the structure is only at center frequency of 14 THz. The continuous slotted graphene sheets are connected to electrical bias, to control the chemical potential level of the graphene layers. A wideband, high gain, and high-efficiency transmitarray antenna using the presented graphene unit cells array, has been designed. Simulation results are shown the transmitarray antenna peak gain is 29.2 dB at 14 THz. The wideband transmitarray with a 3-dB gain bandwidth of about 30% and a 41.87% aperture efficiency is investigated.


Main Subjects

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