Anti-Eavesdropping and Anti-Jamming Link with SPP Horn Antenna Based on Orbital Angular Momentum

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

2 Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.



This paper presents the design and development of a horn antenna with a spiral phase plate (SPP) for generating and utilizing orbital angular momentum (OAM) waves to enhance the security and capacity of communication links. OAM waves, with their unique properties such as increased spectral efficiency and channel capacity, as well as inherent resistance to eavesdropping and intentional jamming, have emerged as a novel and effective approach in telecommunications. In this research, three simulation scenarios at a frequency of 2.4 GHz are explored to evaluate the performance and security of OAM-based communication links. These scenarios include conventional and OAM-based links, with a specific focus on the second scenario where a jammer is positioned in the worst-case scenario—directly in front of the receiver antenna—to maximize the potential for link disruption. The simulation results demonstrate that by precisely tuning the parameters of the SPP, different OAM modes can be generated, which significantly hinder unauthorized access and signal degradation in communication links. Even under these challenging conditions, the proposed design achieved up to a 23.45 dB reduction in jammer signal strength, highlighting its robustness in enhancing link security and performance. This study not only shows that OAM-based links can boost the capacity and security of communication in 5G and 6G networks but also provides practical solutions for addressing security and interference challenges in modern communication systems.


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