Overcurrent Coordination by Eel Swarm Optimization Algorithm

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

2 Department of Electrical Engineering Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.


In recent years, the complexity of modern distribution systems has increased due to the integration of dispersed generation resources. Coordinating directional overcurrent relays (DOCR) for protecting these systems poses a challenging optimization problem. This study introduces the Eel Swarm Optimization Algorithm (ESOA) to address this issue. Inspired by eels' hunting behavior, ESOA effectively explores the solution space. Testing on various error scenarios in 3-bus and 15-bus systems demonstrates ESOA's superior performance in reducing primary relay performance time compared to other optimization algorithms. The algorithm demonstrates proficiency in ensuring synchronization between primary relay pairs and backup relays, reducing the time difference in coordination.


Main Subjects

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