Main Subjects = Computer
Discovery and Evaluation of Fixed Capital Facility Processes Based on Process Mining Approach: A Case Study of the Bank Loan Acceptance Process in Iran

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 04 February 2025


Ehsan Allah khoshkhoy Nilash; Mansour Esmaeilpour; Behrooz Bayat; Alireza Isfandyari Moghaddam; Erfan Hassannayebi

Application of Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Loan Approval and Payment Time

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 04 February 2025


Ehsan Allah khoshkhoy Nilash; Mansour Esmaeilpour; Behrooz Bayat; Alireza Isfandyari Moghaddam; Erfan Hassannayebi

A General and Flexible Channel Decoding Approach Based on Probabilistic Programming Language

Volume 3, Issue 3, November 2023, Pages 9-21


Mohammad Sadegh Rostami; Ali Shahzadi; Morteza Dorrigiv

Improving Financial Technology (FinTech) in Banks Using Process Mining Algorithms

Volume 3, Issue 3, November 2023, Pages 41-50


Ali Haghi Nojehdeh; Mansour Esmaeilpour; Behrooz Bayat; Alireza Isfandyari Moghaddam

A Comprehensive Review of LSTM-Based Churn Prediction Models in the Gaming Industry

Volume 3, Issue 3, November 2023, Pages 51-60


Fatemeh Vatani; Morteza Dorrigiv; Samaneh Emami

Investigating Factors Affecting the Cost of Money in Iranian Banks Based on Artificial Intelligence and Using Data Mining

Volume 3, Issue 1, May 2023, Pages 37-45


Ali Haghi Nojehdeh; Mansour Esmaeilpour; Behrooz Bayat; Alireza Isfandyari Moghaddam

Automatic Player Detection and Labeling in Broadcast Soccer Video Using Genetic Algorithm

Volume 2, Issue 3, November 2022, Pages 25-37


Golafrooz Davoodifar; Masoume Gholizade; Mohammad Rahmanimanesh; Rouhollah Haghshenas; Hadi Soltanizadeh

An Unsupervised Learning Embedding Method Based on Semantic Hashing

Volume 2, Issue 3, November 2022, Pages 39-46


Javad Hamidzadeh; Mona Moradi

Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Fast Retina Keypoint (FREAK) Descriptor

Volume 2, Issue 2, August 2022, Pages 1-7


Ardeshir Ghasemi Yegane; kourosh Kiani; Razieh Rastgoo

A Deep Human Action Representation For Retrieval Application

Volume 2, Issue 1, May 2022, Pages 17-25


Mohsen Ramezani; Fardin Akhlaghian Tab; Farzin Yaghmaee

A Survey of Transfer Learning and Categories

Volume 1, Issue 3, November 2021, Pages 17-25


Masoume Gholizade; Hadi Soltanizadeh; Mohammad Rahmanimanesh

HMM-Based Face Recognition Using SVD and Half of the Face Image

Volume 1, Issue 2, August 2021, Pages 45-50


Kourosh Kiani; Sepideh Rezaeirad; Razieh Rastgoo